The Original Yuwie News

The Original Yuwie News - News about Yuwie, the social network that pays you for using it. Open since August 2007.


40.000 members

Yuwie just got the 40.000th member. Month ago there was only 4929 registered members. I still believe that 100.000 will break in the middle of september.

Could it be true?

Is this really 50 Cent's Yuwie page? If it is, he is first celebrity that I have found to be an Yuwie member. And he is inviting people to register using his referral link, so he could make even more money. Don't do that – use mine, so I can buy all that Bling Bling. ;)

Bigger and more popular than ever

Yuwie reached it's best ranking ever at's list yesterday: 2,668 and it reached 0,02% of global internet users – and that's popular. So my fellow Yuwie users – keep up the good work and let's make this thing even more bigger!

Purchase the registration key?!?!

The big surprise today was found from my profilepage. I didn't see my face in it. Actually I didn't see anybodys face or other profilepicture in their pages. Instead there was just an announcement that some registration key was expired:

Y Guy, tell us what is this all about, we're listening.


Number of the day – see it by yourself

Theres no more use to see the amount of Y Guy's friends, now there is easier way to see how fast Yuwie grows. Just go to homepage and there it is a new box on the left side.

Now we can see in realtime the amount of new members. Rigth now it is 38,770. From the same box you can see how many new members have registered today and this month.

Yuwie is big in...

According to traffic ranking, Yuwie is a big hit in following countries (country / Rank):

  • South Africa / 1,117

  • United States / 1,267

  • Philippines / 1,431

  • Australia / 1,536

  • United Kingdom / 2,394
How big Yuwie is in your country? See


About Yuwie elsewhwre

At least someone is not happy about removing the video section.
Knighty Night's Talk is not happy.

1 million members - when?

Tell me when you believe that Yuwie will get it's 1.000.000th member? I think it will happen by the end of December. And the 100.000th member will register in mid-September. What do you think?


Number of the day: 3

Since I signed to Yuwie – 20 days ago – number of members have tripled (that's the number). My ID is bit under 11.000 and just when I viewed the most recent member had ID number 34694, so we are more than tripled.

If the growth will stay at the same level, the 100.000 members will be true in three weeks and 1 million in two months. But that will need lots of active members. I have noticed that only few of referrals are active, most of them wont refer any or just one or two. But then there are those who are very active and work hard for the referral tree. Those are people who are called the winners!

Interstitials to Yuwie

Y Guy just announced that they will start to show some interstitial ads on Yuwie. As Y Guy said, thes ads will be full page ads and they will be shown for 5 to 10 seconds, but only once in every 12 hours.

So far any of members hasn't complained, they have been more or less satisfied with the decision. Let's wait for the first ads.


Number of the day: 43,0

43,0% of Yuwies visitors comes from United States, accordind to traffic ranks made by Day by day part of US members and users comes smaller, when more of visitors and signups comes from other countries – two weeks ago more than half of Yuwies visitors were from US.

More changes on control panel

Yuwie keeps enhancing the user interface. The personal referral URL is dropped from top of center column to the bottom of left column. Now in top of center column is a new searchbox in control panel and a text "Increase your revenue by searching Google from Yuwie!" under it. System Messages has a new line that tells if there friends online.

Go and see changes and if you don't have an account yet - go and signup


100% payout?!

I started to look closer Yuwie's payout percentages at each level and there is something wrong or is it just me not understanding something? Let's take a look to the level percentages chart:

LevelYour Percentage
Level 110%
Level 210%
Level 34%
Level 4 4%
Level 5 4%
Level 6 4%
Level 7 4%
Level 8 10%
Level 9 10%
Level 10 30%

Ok, if we have someone at level 10 he is at the same time to him self at level "you" and to your referral trees levels level 1, level 2, level 3 and so on... Because he is on level 10 to someone, he does not make any money to Yuwie!

Say if I'm wrong and explain it to me. I'm sure that other people likes to understand it too. Y Guy we are waiting your answer.


No more video section in Yuwie

Yuwie just closed the video section because "people uploaded videos with nudity and other inappropriate content", like Y Guy told it in his message. The main reason was that Yuwie lost few advertiser because of these videos with inappropriate content and loosing advertiser in this situation means quickly goodbye for whole site.

Y Guy said in his message that "there is just no good way to moderate the content in this section", but here is one way to keep it clean: if member uploads inappropriate content, he/she will loose his/hers part of the months revenue, including the referrals part. And after second time he/she will be banned forever and loose all account with the referrals too. Hope that video section will be back with this kind of condition.

Google is quite tight with TOS and they don't let anyone play with them. That's the way it has to be done, because certain type of people just don't know how to behave.


Number of the day: 0

Todays number is 0 – zero, none. This was the number that came out when I checked Yuwie's Google Page Rank few minutes ago. Facebooks Page Rank is 8 and MySpaces is 7, which is bit strange because MySpace is more popular than Facebook. But anyway PR7 or PR8 means that they are very well known and reliable sites – and Yuwie with 25559 (number of members right now) Yuwiees is not – Page Rank is 0 means that Google doesn't notify the site allmost at all.

I did check Google Trends too, using Yuwie as a search term and the result said "Your terms - yuwie - do not have enough search volume to show graphs". Facebook and MySpace did have enough search volume. The bright side of this story is, that we have plenty of people around the world that we can invite to Yuwie. So let's stay busy!

If you want to know more about Page Rank, try the article at Wikipedia. You may also try the Google Toolbar that shows PR (Page Rank) everytime you visit a site.

Small changes in interface and layout

Yuwie has enhanced the user interface and control panel's layout. Now there is small 125x125 px adspace right in the middle of control panel, in same box where are announcements of new messages and friend requests.

Help button in navigation bar opens now a new window. The new window – Yuwie Help Center – has pop-up menu to browse topics and search box. Go and see changes.


Number of the day: 5825

There have been 5825 new sign ups since last time I checked the situation 77 hours ago. It means that there is one new member every 50 seconds and the speed is rising all the time.

What about getting all the revenue?

Facebook and MySpace doesn't give nothing of their revenue to the registered users, Yuwie gives a part of it, but what you think about social network that gives all of the revenue away? Can that be true? You think I'm joking? Answers are yes and no. Yes, it can be true and no, I'm not joking.

The name of this network is Flixya and it let users keep all the revenue. Only thing is that you got to have a AdSense account and you get your money from Google. But where's the beef – how Flixya can make any money? So far I see only a very generous, but lousy business. And it misses the catch – you don't get anything of inviting new people. With Yuwie you still have a chance to earn with active referrals.

Yuwie is all over

I must say that I'm very impressed by the way the word about Yuwie is spreading around the world. I've been a member now for 10 days and during those 10 days the number of members have more than doubled (From 11,000 to 23,000). At the same time Google blogsearch results about Yuwie are tripled from 500 to over 1500! More and more active and effective people hear about Yuwie and they sign up. And as you know, early bird gets the worm – so what are you still waiting?


Number of the day: 41,142

When I signed up to Yuwie little more than week ago (it was 8/11/2007 to be exact) the official Alexa rank, the 3 month average, of Yuwie was approx. 548,000. And today (21/8/2007) it's 41,142. OK, Yuwie hasn't been around for 3 months yet, so that rank doesn't tell us the whole truth. I believe that we will se a steep rise within the next month or so.

Why Yuwie?

When I tell people about Yuwie, many times they ask "why Yuwie, because there is Facebook and MySpace allready?" My answer is allways "because Yuwie is fair". I don't say that the other networks are unfair, but they are less fair than Yuwie.

100% Free
So, why Yuwie is so fair? First, it's 100% free. You don't have to pay a cent for use Yuwie. You just register and you get your free webspace for you blogs, pictures and videos. All that is absolutely 100% free. Beside all the free webspace you can make new friends and invite old ones and then you can communicate with them online. All that for free. That's what I call fair!

Revenue sharing
Second, Yuwie pays you. Yuwie pays you when you invite some new people to sign up and when you create some interesting content. Yuwie pays you when you watch other peoples pages. Yuwie shares the revenue it gets from showing ads in the pages. People say:"Yeah, Yuwie shows the ads on your pages, Facebook or MySpace doesn't show the ads". That's not true, they show ads as well. But they don't share their revenue with users. You may invite your friends to sign up and you may add your content, but they don't give you a cent from their revenue.

Yuwie is an opportunity
Third, when you sign up to Yuwie – that's an opportunity. It's an opportunity to earn money by inviting your friends and creating interesting content. This opportunity is a rewarding challenge with no limits. Signing up to Yuwie you get an opportunity to give other people same opportunity by inviting them to sign up. If you don't feel it right to take the money, you get from Yuwie, you can allways give it away to some charity. Then you give other opportunities. With other networks you just can't do it.

This is why I choose Yuwie. This is why I suggest everyone to sign up and get the same opportunities. Opportunities to change their lives and/or the world.

Number of the day: 3670

3670 is Yuwies 1 week average rank right now at Last weeks highest point was 2875 and lowest 4985.

Are you interested about's traffic rank? You can download and install an Alexa Toolbar, with what you tell to Alexa, where you surf – and tell them that you prefer Yuwie. With Alexa Toolbar you can see the rank of each site you go and a chart of it's popularity. You can download Alexa Toolbar from here.


Number of the day: 17,922

17,922 is the number of registered members right now. Yhe newest Yuwiee is Jeffrey who was invited by Mike "The Mouth" Matusow. Welcome Jeffrey, and have lots of fun with Yuwie.


About Yuwie elsewhere

There is lots of good articles about Yuwie in other blogs. Here is few of my favourites:

- Yuwie Review by bigebiz
- A Guide to Yuwie at Online Opportunity by Jay
- Facebook, MySpace and NOW Yuwie at Pet Peeving
- Yuwie Review at Real Paid Surveys and other internet opportunities by Tom

Beside these there is lot more blogs and pages about Yuwie. Jus check them out.

Number of the day: 2,875

2,875 is traffic rank for at today. Two weeks ago it was way below 100.000. I have been around the Internet business for a while and I haven't seen rise like this before. I say with Jon Landau's words "I've seen the future of social networks and it's name is Yuwie".


My little secrets of success with Yuwie

I have been member of Yuwie about a week now and I'm very impressed how fast things can go. I started to get new friends from minute 1 and many of them gave me lots of good advices how I can be more effective with my membership. And here is my guide to success with Yuwie:

1. Make new friends
Networking is very important if you like to be successful. Majority of Yuwies big players have understood the power of sharing and they will help you to be more effective. I know, so they did with me.

2. Make new Yuwies
Tell people about Yuwie. Tell about the community, tell about revenue sharing – that they can earn money by surfing on pages, tell them that Yuwie is 100% free etc. There is lots of good things to tell about Yuwie. Only thing they can loose is the time they use for sign up. And how would they use that time otherwise? Watching some silly soap from TV? Sitting on a sofa? Yuwie is lot more fun.

So why it's so important to make new Yuwies? It's because you get payed by the pageviews they make too. Actually you will get revenue down to 10th level of your referral tree. And more you have referrals, more you will get payed. Here is an example chart of how you get payed:


TOTAL------88,572 -----88,572,000------------$10,235.49

This chart assumes you refer 3 people, and those 3 people refer 3, then those refer 3, through 10 levels, and each referral gets 1000 page views for the month, and the month's RSR is $0.50. This is just an example of what could happen and results are not guaranteed.

As you can understand, it's very important to refer active and effective people who can refer active and effective people. But in the other hand, there is no harm if you refer people who wants only have fun and upload their picture to Yuwie. Thats good too.

3. Create content
There is no reason to visit anybodys page if there is no content. So create content. And the more catchy is your content, the more you will get pageviews. More pageviews means more revenue. If you create every day more content, people will come back every day to check your page and soon your page is popular. You will get friend requests and with new friends you will get more pageviews. So keep creating content and don't break the circle.

4. Join the Clubs
Or create a Club if there is kinda Club you need to join. But there is lots of Clubs allready and there is lots of members who just love to be your friend. And they just love to give you advices how you can find your success. But remember, they can't do it for you, but they can tell how to do it.

This is my road to success, yours may be different. But what ever you do and what ever you find effective, share it with others, because the sharing is our power.

If you're not signed to Yuwie yet, do it now from here. You will not regret it.

Number of the day: 16038

There is now 16.038 registered user in Yuwie, latest one (while I'm writing this) is Beth, 46 year old female from San Francisco, CA. Her page can be found from address Welcome, Beth.

And how can you know how many members there is registered in Yuwie? Just go and see Y Guy's page – because Y Guy is friend with everybody, the number of his friends is number of registered users.

What Yuwie, Where Yuwie

After doing little Googling about Yuwie, I did find lot's of suspicious comments about it. So what is Yuwie?

With a line or two, Yuwie is a social network. You have heard about Facebook or MySpace, yeah? Yuwie is just like them. So what is so different in Yuwie, why there has to be another network, isn't Facebook or MySpace enough? The main difference with Yuwie is that as a registered user you can earn money by using Yuwie. Sounds unbelivable, doesn't it?

Why and how you can earn money using Yuwie and is it legal? Yuwie is a revenue sharing network and there is nothing illegal to give money away. Yuwie might sound as a pyramid scheme, but the difference is that Yuwie is 100% free to it's users. In pyramid schemes you have to pay first to have a "chance" earn money and that is why they are scam. But Yuwie isn't.

So, why to give money away – Facebook and MySpace owners keep the money. The answer can be found from the Bible:

Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom.

Do I have to explain it more? It's all said in that sentence. The owners of Yuwie give as and they are given by us. This is web 2.0 economics and web 2.0 is about sharing – sharing of tool, sharing of knowledge, sharing of possibilities and now sharing of revenue.

So why don't you join the group and register as a user. It's free and full of possibilities.

And this is fast!

Yuwies growth is so fast that it's about impossible to believe. According to, Yuwie is receiving new users and visitors with a speed of light. Check this chart!

I've been out for a while and I haven't seen a success like this before.

Yuwie has some growing pains

Yuwie is growing so fast that it has some serious growing pains. Site has reported answer slow if any and other major problems. But what you can expect when a site rises from 100.000 and something up to 5.000 in only two weeks!

Let's all hope that problems will be solved soon, because all Yuwie users just love it.

Welcome to Yuwie News

This is my first posting about Yuwie – the new and exciting social network. So, why is Yuwie so exciting? There has been many social networks before it, e.g. Facebook and MySpace.

The main difference is that Yuwie is a revenue sharing social network. It pays money to the registered users. If You ask my opinion, we are now talking about web 2.0 economics. How I see web 2.0, it's about sharing. Sharing of tools, sharing of knowledge and now finally sharing of revenue.

Have you tried Yuwie? If you haven't, it's about time. Start with registering.